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April News

Easter all ready? Where is the year going we have heard around the traps. The year is flying covid or no covid. The days are getting shorter and the mornings cooling off around here.

Livestock: The last week has seen some easing of prices across some lines. Good prices for others. Shorter weeks with the coming pubic holidays. If you need to lighten numbers off before winter it may be time to get organized.

Clearing Sales: After Easter our next Clearing sale date will be announced. This will be online as we have a number of vendors with a few items each. When we have enough for an onsite Clearing Sale we will go ahead.(We are looking forward to this day when we can see our clients again and help our local fundraising groups)

Real Estate: Real Estate inquiry is still high. We have a number of people new to rural blocks. A big tip for rural investors is to get registered for GST before you enter into contracts. This will save many headaches and disappointments.

If you have some time off over the Easter break, enjoy some down time, family time and stay safe. As always Contact Bill if you require information on livestock, clearing sales or real estate in the South Burnett. How do bunnies stay healthy? Eggercise Happy Easter 2022

Keep Calm & Carry On Bill & Sandra

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